Friday, March 18, 2011

林峯与潘霜霜床照外泄 - 哪个混蛋在搞鬼?

The Scandal is such a hot news. I cant believe that all my friends know about this and are talking about it!

 好惨ah, 那些床照破坏了他乖乖仔形象。其实我觉得那些照片没什么啊,不知为何媒体要小题大做,Public也那边criticize他.. Gek sei yan! give him a break, guys!

The story behind the scandal 
林峯坦言曾和潘霜霜拍拖,他们是拍《翡翠明珠》认识的,当时他对这段感情相当认真,双方更有见过家长 (Family meeting?! shocked! This girl must mean a lot to him!),最后却因为性格问题,及霜霜接受不了他工作太忙无时间相陪 (always the major barrier to relationship for a star) 而和平分手。林回应时一度眼湿湿 (Aw..) ,表示两人分手后没有联络,此次事件是入行以来最大打击(i hope he's okay),他表示一直不知被拍照,(who is so evil!! posting private photos to the public just like Edison's case? nothing better to do? Stupid villain). 潘霜霜 admitted that the photo came from her hand phone, she lost it in a barber shop(is it? why is she so careless! and taking those kind of photos?! so seductive).I think what 蔡卓妍says is true too! "潘霜霜出卖他 遇人不淑" .I don't really trust that girl. She is hot, i admit, but is she a nice girl? 

Hope everything turns out fine..林峯, 加油!


Unknown said...



Wen Lin said...


Unknown said...


Wen Lin said...

骚样 - SUPER AGREE with yoU~ 那女人照照镜子ba if she did that evil thing!